The Governing Board consists of ten persons from the Academy's member institutions elected at the Academy's Annual Collegium by representatives of the member institutions. Click on each member's name below for a biographical note.

The Chair of IUCN's Commission on Environmental Law and the head of IUCN's Environmental Law Program are also members of the Governing Board, to ensure close continuing cooperation with IUCN in the implementation of the Academy's research recommendations.

Members of the Governing Board


Post-Doctoral Researcher Tiina Paloniitty (Chair)
University of Helsinki, Finland
Region: Western Europe
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Professor Stellina Jolly
South Asian University, India
Region: South and West Asia Region
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open seat
Region: South-East Asia


Amanda Kennedy
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Region: Oceania
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Gustavo Alanís Ortega

Professor Gustavo Alanís-Ortega
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, Mexico
Region: Meso-America
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Professor Tseming Yang
Santa Clara University, USA
Region: North America
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Professor Robert Kibugi
University of Nairobi, Faculty of Law, Kenya
Region: Africa
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open seat
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Fernando Reverendo Vidal Akaoui 
Universidade Santa Cecília, Brazil
Region: South America
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Professor CAO Mingde
China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)
Vice President, China Association of Environmental Resources Law Research
Region: North Asia
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c voigt

Professor Christina Voigt
University of Oslo, Norway
Chair, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL)
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 iza-sm Dr. Alejandro Iza
Head, IUCN Environmental Law Programme
Director, IUCN Environmental Law Centre, Germany