The IUCN Academy's Sixth Annual Colloquium was held in Mexico City November 1-5, 2008. You can access many of the presentations delivered at the Colloquium here.
Keynote Speaker
- Dinah Shelton - Making Law Out of Principles of Environmental Justice
- Dinah Shelton - Of Means and Ends
- Aceves Avila, Carla - Access to Environmental Information as Tools
- De Las Fuentes, Gloria - Legal Issues Regarding Regulations of the Protected Natural Area
- do Rego Barros, Fernando - Brazilian Biodiesel Oil Use Politics
- du Plessis, Anel - Precautionary Measures to Avoid Impoverished Interpretation of SA Constitution
- du Plessis, Wllemien - Right of Access to Environmental Information
- Dunn, Alexandra - Using Green Infrastructure to Alleviate Poverty and Promote Healthy Communities
- Gruber, Stefan - The Effects of Poverty on Cultural Heritage Sites
- Gu, Dejin - Regulatory Vulnerability and Institutional Resolution
- Hollo, Erkki - Non-economic Environmental Interests
- Ippolito, Daniel - The Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay
- Kung, Wen-Hsiang - Overview of the Environmental Justice Movement
- Lubbe, WD - Transfrontier Conservation and Poverty Alleviation
- Martin, Paul - The Social Justice Problem in Sustainability Laws
- McLeod-Kilmurray, Heather - GM Foods and Tar Sands as Case Studies
- Montero Solano, Jose Antonio - El Papel de Las Politicas Publicas en el Cambio de Uso
- Okorodudu-Fubara, Margaret - Trajectories of a Sustainable Future
- Paddock, Leroy - The Role of Public Participation in Advancing Environmental Justice
- Peeters, Marjan - Personal Tradable Allowances
- Pring, Rock - Specialized Environmental Courts and Tribunals
- Real, Gabriel - La redistribucion positiva de la probeza
- Sabzwari, Sidra - Environmental Justice on a Canadian Aboriginal Reserve
- Salau, Olaniyi - Addressing Environmental Degradation in Nigeria
- Sanchez, Teresa de J - MDL y Bonos de Carbono UAM II
- Smith, Susan - Chartering Sustainable Transnational Corporations
- Yoshida, Consuelo - Cities Pollution and Poverty