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The third in-country Training the Teachers (TTT) program for 2016 delivered in Cebu City, the Philippines, from 22-26 August 2016

2017 Train-the-Trainers Program

The IUCN Academy has entered into a Technical Assistance Implementation Agreement with the Asian Development Bank to conduct three 2017 in-country Train-the-Trainers (TTT) courses together with a Roundtable for the regional environmental law scholars in Asia who participated in one of the previous TTT courses conducted by the ADB and the Academy. The three training courses will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand (June 19-23); Phnom Penh, Cambodia (August 21-25) and Yangon, Myanmar (October 23-28) respectively. The Roundtable will be held at the 2017 Colloquium in Cebu, Philippines (May 29-30).

The IUCN Academy would like to thank the Asian Development Bank for its continuing support of the Academy and the Train-the-Training Program and its support and participation in the 2017 Cebu Colloquium. In addition, the Academy is deeply grateful to Rob Fowler and Winnie Carruth for their hard work in securing funding and their commitment to creating and managing numerous outstanding TTT courses. Without their work and leadership, the vital outreach and capacity building opportunity the TTT provides would not be possible.

With the support of the Asian Development Bank, the Academy collaborated with the host institution, the University of Cebu College of Law, to deliver a five-day course to 30 participants from across the Philippines.  While some of the participants have been teaching environmental law for several years, over half had not previously done so and were undertaking the course to prepare themselves for this task. The Academy training team comprised Rob Fowler, Gerthie Mayo-Anda, Sandy Paterson and Donna Craig with Philippine trainers Rose-Liza Osorio, Golly Ramos, Dody Maralit and Maria Hernandez-Belloso. Throughout the week, the atmosphere in the training was very high energy and enthusiastic. The participants particularly embraced the opportunity to experience a wide range of new teaching methodologies and committed to introducing a number of these into their teaching in the future.

The TTT program has already held successful courses in Malaysia and Vietnam. Next, the TTT program takes its moveable feast of environmental law training to Beijing in October. Congratulations to Rob Fowler and Winnie Carruth for developing, managing and implementing such a successful Academy project.

For more information, please visit the Asian Development Blog