Estos materiales son un importante recurso para el curso universitario sobre MEAs que ha preparado la Academia de la UICN y el PNUMA.
En esta página pueden encontrar las 14 unidades del curso, disponibles para su descarga en formato PowerPoint. La primera unidad sirve de introducción y dibuja el atlas del curso, que se desarrolla en las siguientes unidades. También se incluye un "manual del profesor".
- Lecturer's Manual - Course on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
- Unit 1 - One Planet Many People -- Atlas of Our Changing Environment
- Unit 2 - Negotiation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements - MEAs
- Unit 3 - Role Playing Exercise for Participation in Negotiations (You can access the full set of materials for role play)
- Unit 4 - Implementation of MEAs
- Unit 5 - Compliance Processes
- Unit 6 - Responses to Non-Compliance
- Unit 7 - Synergies and Linkages in Compliance and Enforcement
- Unit 8 - Introduction to National Approaches of Environmental Implementation and Enforcement
- Unit 9 - Implementation of MEAs in National Law
- Unit 10 - Institutional Frameworks
- Unit 11 - Tailoring Enforcement Mechanisms
- Unit 12 - The Role of the Public
- Unit 13 - Public Education and Working with the Media
- Unit 14 - Case Studies on National Institutions and Processes -- Biodiversity and Climate Change Conventions