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ISSUE 7: 2016
- Transboundary Water Pollution
Elizabeth J. Brandon - Piercing the Corporate Veil
Dr Mikiel Calleja and Professor Simone Borg - Legal Responses to Human-Wildlife Conflict
Evan Hamman, Katie Woolastin and Bridget Lewis - Legal Frameworks for Payments for Ecosystem Services
Sarah Jackson - One Health and Biodiversity Conventions
Claire Lajaunie and Pierre Mazzega
Insights Articles
- 1.5 C to Stay Alive
Lisa Benjamin and Dr Adelle Thomas
Teaching Articles
- Strengthening capacity for Environmental Law
Karen Bubna-Litic - Building Sustainable Futures in the Legal Classroom
Michelle Lim - Teaching Materials on Protected areas law and governance
Alexander Paterson, Barbara Lausche, Patti Moore, Jamie Benidickson and Lydia Slobodian
Country Reports
Armenia Aida Iskoyan, Heghine Hakhverdyan, and Laura Petrossiantz | Australia Katherine Owens | Bahamas Theominique Nottage, Renee Farquharson and Megan Curry with assistance from Lisa Benjamin, Assistant Professor, The College of The Bahamas |
China: The Revised Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law Jingjing Zhao | China’s National Plan for Marine Spatial Planning Nengye Liu | Chech Republic Milan Damohorsky and Petra Humlickova |
France Emilie Chevalier | Germany Eckard Rehbinder | Italy Carmine Petteruti |
Mexico Tania García López | Nepal Professor Amber Prasad Pant | New Zealand Trevor Daya-Winterbottom |
Russia Solntsev Alexander | Spain Lucía Casado Casado | Taiwan Ying Shih Hsieh |
Thailand Andre de Vries | Ukraine Svitlana Romanko | US Robert V. Percival |
Book Reviews
- Environmental Law Dimensions of Human Rights
Elizabeth Burleson - Global Environmental Constitutionalism
Louis J. Kotzé - Oxford Handbook
Naporn Popattanachai