Archive News
Future Collaboration between the IUCN Environmental Law Programme and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law
On 9th May, the Co-Chairs of the Research Committee of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (Academy) visited the IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC) to discuss future collaboration between the ELC, the Commission on Environmental Law (CEL) and the Academy.
Environmental Scholarship at the IUCN Academy's host institution, University of Ottawa
The Secretariat of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, hosted at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, is pleased to make two announcements regarding our linkages with EL scholars and Academy institutions around the world:
- The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law Scholarship in Environment and Sustainability is an important part of an endowment established to assist the University’s commitment to supporting the goals of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. The recipient for the inaugural year of this scholarship is Semie Memuna. She is from Cameroon and completed her LL.B at Buea University in Cameroon followed by her MSc in Ecotechnology and Sustainable Development at Mid Sweden University in Sweden. Miss Memuna will be commencing an LLM at the University of Ottawa in September 2011.
- The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law has named Professor Louis Kotzé of North-West University in South Africa as Visiting Scholar in Environmental Law for the January 2012 term in Ottawa. The Faculty’s January term – three weeks of intensive learning – provides Ottawa’s students an opportunity to benefit from scholars joining us from around the world, teaching a wide range of legal topics. To further strengthen the Faculty’s link with the Academy’s member institutions, this teaching opportunity will be offered each year.
We look forward to continuing these two new initiatives for many years.
2011 Colloquium in South Africa: Programme and Call for Best Paper
The Programme for the 2011 Colloquium is now available. The Colloquium, Water and the Law: Towards Sustainability, will take place 3 - 7 July 2011 at Mpekweni Beach Resort, Eastern Cape, South Africa. We are also launching a Call for Best Colloquium Paper Prize (with a deadline of 31 May 2011). Delegates should make their bookings for accommodation and registration soon through
We also encourage all participants to arrange their flights as soon as possible to benefit from favourable rates.
Call for Papers for Workshop at South Africa Colloquium
A half-day workshop will take place on Sunday, 3 July, just prior to the Colloquium in South Africa (4 -7 July 2011). This workshop will focus on “Towards the Legal Recognition and Governance of Ecosystem Services". Attached is a Call for Papers, with a deadline of 6 May 2011. The workshop is jointly sponsored by the Research Committee of the IUCN Academy, the IUCN Environmental Law Centre and the Commission on Environmental Law.IUCN Academy Colloquium in South Africa, July 3-7, 2011
You can find detailed information about the 2011 Colloquium in South Africa. You can now register for the Colloquium through its own website, as well as finding information about accommodation and various Colloquium side-events. The Colloquium website will be updated regularly.
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to register for the Colloquium and to visit South Africa in July 2011, and we hope that you are as excited about attending the Colloquium as we are!
Abstracts have been submitted, most were accepted, and we anticipate that the quality of papers presented is going to be very high. This will be the first year in which the Colloquium is hosted jointly by four universities, instead of by just one, and we accordingly selected a venue in an area which is seldom visited but is truly special – we are convinced that its unique biodiversity and fascinating cultural history will enhance the Colloquium.
After registering, we suggest that you continue to log in regularly to this website as we will be updating it with details of activities, the programme, excursions, and so forth. We have prepared several tours as integral parts of the Colloquium and believe that these will make the Colloquium a practical as well as an academic experience.
On a practical note, please register for the 2011 Colloquium at
Please read the General Information before you register. If you have any questions, please make contact with the Secretariat at the email address below.
The Organising Committee looks forward to welcoming you to the Colloquium and to the first of your many visits to our country!
Organising Committee
IUCNAEL Colloquium
South Africa
Glaudin Kruger
Tel +27 28 316 2905
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Call for Papers - South Africa Colloquium
This is the first Call for Papers for the IUCN Academy's Ninth Annual Colloquium, Water and the Law: Towards Sustainability. The Colloquium will be held 3 - 7 July 2011, hosted by the Universities of Cape Town, KwaZulu-Natal, North-West and Witwatersrand, at Mpekweni Beach Resort, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
The Call for Papers is available on the website at
This website has been created especially for the Colloquium. The South African Colloquium Organizing Committee has provided preliminary information on this website, including an overview of the colloquium themes, registration and payment details, and travel information. Additional information about the Colloquium and related meetings will be made available on the website during January and February 2011.
Training the Teachers Course in Wuhan China Now Underway
This week, 28 February – 4 March, the IUCN Academy is conducting its first course on Advanced Training the Teachers in Wuhan, China. The five-day course has been developed by a team from the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, in close partnership with the Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL) at Wuhan University.
The course is being led by a team from the IUCN Academy and from RIEL. Professor Rob Fowler of the University of South Australia (and Chair of the Governing Board), Professor Ben Boer of the University of Sydney and Professor Mark Latham of Vermont Law School (USA) represent the IUCN Academy. Professor Wang Shuyi, Professor Qin Tianbao, Professor Li Zhiping and Professor Zhou Ke represent RIEL. RIEL has provided financial support for the course. Vermont Law School is also partnering with the Academy to design and deliver the course in China, and has been provided with financial support by USAID for this project.
The course has 24 participants from 20 different cities across China. These two photos include the official photo of the course participants, instructors and hosts at Wuhan taken just after the opening ceremony at the law school at Wuhan University and the unveiling of the official plaque with Professor Wang Shuyi, Director of RIEL, Professor Xie Hongxing, Vice-President of Wuhan University, and Rob Fowler and Ben Boer, IUCN Academy course leaders
Over the past year, the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law has developed the “Training the Teachers” Program, with a view to delivering the course in China, Colombia, Indonesia and India.
The course has been designed to be offered at two levels: a Basic course for legal academics who have not previously taught environmental law; and an Advanced course that will prepare legal academics who already teach environmental law to deliver the basic course to colleagues in their country or region who have not previously taught environmental law. The objectives of this initiative are:
- to increase the capacity to teach environmental law within law schools in developing countries where such capacity currently is lacking or is inadequate, by providing expert training to law professors who have limited or no experience in the teaching of environmental law.
- to support, through building capacity in relation to the teaching of environmental law, the implementation and enforcement of environmental law by widening the knowledge and understanding of environmental law amongst legally-trained professionals
Participants to this program will acquired or improve the skills and knowledge require to design and deliver a high quality course in environmental law within their law school’s law degree or program and in other institutions.