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The Directory of Scholars is now available. This searchable database can be accessed under this website's left-hand drop-down menu item "Resources". The database was created under the leadership of the IUCN Academy’s Research Committee.

It is based on a survey of research interests conducted earlier this year amongst scholars within Academy member institutions and includes more than 150 scholars from around the world. The survey was conducted in early 2009.

You can also access the IUCN Academy's Global Survey of Scholarly Research Areas, which reports on the results of the survey amongst Academy member insitutions. This report details the areas of research interest, by theme and by region, as well as identifying future areas of research interest for respondents. The report also provides a guide for the use of the Directory of Scholars.

If you would like to include your own profile and key research interests and have not yet had a chance to complete our survey, you can do so by accessing our on-line survey at Once we receive your survey, we will post your profile and key research interests in the Directory. If you would like further information, please contact us at the Academy Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.